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Dr Mia Murray

GP & Associate Director

Mia qualified in 1997 and following a career in the NHS brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to DoctorNow.

Prior to joining our team, Mia was a Surgeon and then a GP Partner in the NHS. She ran her own Family Planning Clinic as well as taking an active role in Medical Education including training junior doctors in General Practice.

Mia enjoys all areas of Medicine however her specialist area is Women’s Health. She has a passion for treating women with menopausal symptoms, as well as running our Family Planning and Contraceptive Service. Mia is also an expert in Lifestyle Medicine and enjoys sharing this knowledge to empower patients to live well and enjoy life.

Following on from her surgical background, Mia also runs our Minor Surgery Service and performs Joint Injections.

Please note Dr Murray is only taking new patients for Women’s Health, Lifestyle Medicine and Minor Surgery.

Dr Mia Murray

Special areas of interest include:

  • Women’s Health
  • Lifestyle Medicine
  • Minor Surgery
  • Joint Injections
  • Travel Medicine
Dr Mia Murray