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Dr Tamsyn Wellen


Dr Wellen grew up in South Africa, and attended the University of Witwatersrand Medical school, qualifying in 1997. After completing studies there, she relocated to the UK to continue studying family medicine. She has worked in both South Africa and the UK, over the years, in varied public and private practices. This has resulted in exposure to many cultures, conditions and lifestyles which has helped to understand people’s underlying health beliefs and life experiences. After a few years of living in France, she returned to the UK to continue work in the NHS, prior to joining DoctorNow.

She has a broad range of interests in family medicine, strongly believing each person is an individual with unique challenges and requirements.

In her spare time, she enjoys the challenges of two teenagers, a husband and two cats!

Dr Tamsyn Wellen

Special areas of interest include:

  • General family medicine
  • Lifestyle/preventative care medicine
  • Diabetes
  • Paediatrics
  • Mental health
Dr Tamsyn Wellen